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July 12, 2013

Get your website cached on google [Updated : Index on google]

[Updated Version]

This is the updated article for indexing your website in google. You can check older version of indexing below which is deprecated these days. So, first of all what do you mean by indexing website in google? Indexing basically means keep the cache of the website or pages so that it can be found instantly whenever there is a search in google. So to speed up that process, google offers several ways to submit your site for indexing for easy retrieval. Let us go through the process now.

1. First of all login to Google Search Console.

2. If you have not added your website then add your website with add property link.
3. You may have to validated that you are the owner of that website.
4. Now there is two way of submitting your url for indexing.
    i. You can either generate sitemap of your site and add in search console.
    ii. You can also add single website link and request for indexing as seen in the picture below.

Google Search Console

It may take several minutes to complete the request. 
Hope this article helps you.

[Older Version]
Google takes a snapshot of the page and stores for the easy indexing of the search results. Google search for the cached version for the query in google search. It ultimately helps to increase the traffic to your website. Now here are some instructions for caching the website on google.

  1. First of all check whether the site is cached or not. Go to google.com and type "cache:http://url/". If your search don't find your website that means the website isnot cached on google.

  2. Now to add your website to google go to google.com/addurl.html. Type your url there and submit.

  3. Now again check for step 1. You will find your webpage cached.

You will get the the result as the snap.

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