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August 31, 2014
Remove Virus which do not show hidden folders
This is the trick to remove the virus that will hide your folders. Or simply this trick will help to unhide the folders that are made hidden due to the virus.
- Go to start >> Run.
- Enter 'regedit'.
- In the registry editor follow the steps >> hkey_local_machine >> software >> microsoft >> windows >> currentversion >> explorer >> advanced >> folder >> hidden >> showall.
August 28, 2014
Make Your Computer Welcome You
To use this trick, follow the steps given below:
- Open notepad first.
- Copy and paste the exact code given below.
Dim speaks, speech speaks="Welcome to your PC Satik Pral" Set speech=CreateObject("sapi.spvoice") speech.Speak speaks
How to convert any text to audio file?
Step 1. First of all Open notepad then copy the below text and paste it in notepad. Dim message, sapi message=inputbox("What Do You Want To say?") Set sapi=CreateObject("sapi.spvoice") sapi.Speak message
Repair Hard drive corruption
You cannot work on your computer with peaceful mind if the hard drive has gone corrupted or has crashed due to serious software or hardware failures. Corrupted hard drive will cause problems and anxiety to the user because it will not offer the much required reliability, precision, speed and overall technical performance. There is always a reason for the system maintenance on regular time intervals so that you can easily do away with these kinds of serious problems. However, the system related issues and errors are dealt with effectively and on the prompt basis, you will feel happier to save sensitive information and protect your system or hard drive from excessive damage.
!doctype>August 20, 2014
What is HTML5?
HTML5: Everyone’s using it, nobody knows what it is. I realize that sounds more like a line out of an existential movie — maybe Waiting for Godot or a screenplay by Sartre — than a statement about HTML5. But it’s really the truth: most of the people using HTML5 are treating it as HTML4+, or even worse, HTML4 (and some stuff they don’t use). The result? A real delay in the paradigm shift that HTML5 is almost certain to bring. It’s certainly not time to look away, because by the time you look back, you may have missed something really important: a subtle but important transition centered around HTML5.
August 3, 2014
iOS 8 Preview
Credit goes to Apple iOS-8
iOS 8 is the biggest iOS release ever — for developers and everyone else. But that wasn’t the goal. We simply set out to create the most natural experience. Each enhancement has a purpose. Every new feature deserves to be a new feature. Each function is more considered, each next step is more efficient. It all adds up to an even better experience — one that is pleasantly surprising at first and becomes utterly indispensable before you know it.
What makes iOS 8 the world’s most advanced mobile operating system?
Guys , tired from frequent infection of shortcut virus in Your USB or other drives?? Then Its the time to get rid of it . Here I’ll Teach You how to make Your own Shortcut antivirus . You just have to follow the steps as Described below … What is shortcut Virus :: The virus which converts all Your files to shortcut and makes them Normally inaccessible. step 1) Open Notepad step 2) Write the following code …(Just Copy paste..) echo “%CD%” cd “%CD%” del *.lnk attrib -s -r -h *.* /s /d /l echo ” All done “ pause