Google has launched the most awaited second generation Nexus 7 tablet in the American market from 24th july, 2013. For the rest of the world they must wait some time. This android gadget which is thinner, lighter and faster than the previous gadgets is a good choice for the users. Some of the features of this nexus 7 tablet is enlisted below:
- High resolution video display with 1919×1211 display capacity.
- 5 megapixel camera that can take better images and videos.
- Battery backup for 9 hours while watching high defination video continuously and for 11 hours for internet use.
- Android version 4.3 Jelly Bean.
- Has weight of 291 gram.
- Cheaper than the apple mini ipad while performance is comparable.
- Costs about $239 for 16 gb, $279 for 32 gb wifi model.